Lesson 1B: Mens Sana
A Words, words, words
B Reading and listening
If you want to stay away from the doctor, follow some simple steps to maintain good hygiene and eat a healthy diet. Wherever you are, at school or at home, don’t forget that regularly washing your hands will help you keep your health in check. The other part of healthy life is eating well, which will keep you energised and functioning without problems. That means healthy and nutritious food for every meal, starting with a well-balanced breakfast.
If you desire to keep your body in good shape, your mind sharp and your health levels high, then think about dedicating some time to doing the most popular physical activity in India: yoga. It may look like an easy type of sport to do, because there is very little active movement and quite a lot of lying on the ground and deep breathing. But yoga can be an extremely difficult type of recreation to master. When you do yogic positions regularly and correctly, your body becomes firmer, your health improves and your mind is clearer.
If your aim is clearing your mind, keeping focus and working on your ability to develop thinking skills, you should try meditating. Meditation is an ancient practice of calming your mind and thinking about nothing in order to heal your mind and your spirit. It has been practised all round the world and it helps people relax and sharpen their minds. There are very few things you need to have and do in order to meditate: just a quiet place where you can relax, and some free time.