
A Ronnie’s dictionary

Look. What can you see? Read, listen and repeat.

Pogledaj slike. Što vidiš? Pročitaj, poslušaj i ponovi.

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A1 What is there in your classroom?

Što se sve nalazi u tvojoj učionici?

B Ronnie’s word games

B1 Find the pairs.

Igrajmo igru pamćenja! Pronađi parove.

B2 Sort out the words. 

Dovuci riječi u pravi stupac. 

B3 Unjumble the words.

Pročitaj pitanje, pogledaj sliku i poredaj slova pravilnim redoslijedom.

B4 Write the missing words.

Pogledaj sliku i napiši riječi koje nedostaju.

C Ronnie’s mini test

C1 Look, listen and choose the correct answer.

Pogledaj sliku, poslušaj rečenicu i odaberi točan odgovor. 

C2 Look, read and choose the correct answer. 

Pogledaj sliku, pročitaj rečenice i odaberi točan odgovor.

D Ronnie’s A+ club

D1 Listen and colour.

Poslušaj tekst i oboji sliku točnim bojama. 

D2 Read and choose the correct answer.

Pročitaj tekst i odaberi točan odgovor. 

Elliot is getting ready for school. He is checking his schoolbag. Is everything there? His pencil case is in the schoolbag. His books are also in the schoolbag. But where is the sharpener? The sharpener is on the desk. Where is the notebook? Oh no, the notebook is on the floor! And where are his glasses? His glasses are on the bed. Elliot’s room is very messy! The sharpener is on the desk, the notebook is on the floor and the glasses are on the bed.