A Words, words, words

A1 Listen and repeat. Flip to check the meaning.

A1 Listen and repeat. Flip to check the meaning.

A1 Listen and repeat. Flip to check the meaning.

A1 Listen and repeat. Flip to check the meaning.

A1 Listen and repeat. Flip to check the meaning.

A2 Match and write.

A3 Match and fill in.

A3 Match and fill in.

B Reading and listening

B1 Diego has taken an online quiz about friendship. Try it out, and check your result.

B2 Read the text again. Look at the phrasal verbs in colour in the text. Match them to their explanations below.

C Grammar time

C1 Find the verbs in the present perfect tense.

C1 Find the verbs in the present perfect tense.

C1 Find the verbs in the present perfect tense.

Present perfect simple


                She has  heard  a juicy gossips. (hear)
              They have  stopped  talking to each other. (stop)

  present simple             past participle  - regular verb + -ed
  of the verb to have                                        stop - stopped
     have / has                                                  - irregular verb
                                                                             hear - heard - heard

 Positive:          He  has  won  a competition.
Interrogative: Has  he  won  a competition?
Negative:        He  hasn't  won a competition.

Time expressions we use with the present perfect simple:

1 never, just, already - between the auxilliary verb and the main verb
   He has never won  a competition.

2 yet, since..., for..., many times, this week, today - at the end of a sentence
   He  hasn't  won  a competition yet.

3 ever - in questions, after the subject
   Has  he ever  won  a competition?


  • already/yet

       We use already  in positive  sentences, and yet  in negative  sentences.

       She has already  gone to school.
       She hasn't gone to school yet.

  • since.../for...

      Since shows when  the action started in the past. (a previous point in time)
      We have been friends since 1999.

      For shows how long the action has been going on. (a period of time)
      We have been friends for twenty years.

C2 Read the examples, and complete the rules for using the present perfect tense. Choose the correct word.

C3 Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple of the verbs in brackets.

Practice irregular verbs - part 1

Say the past simple and the past participle of the irregular verbs. Flip the card and check.
Say the past simple and the past participle of the irregular verbs. Flip the card and check.
Say the past simple and the past participle of the irregular verbs. Flip the card and check.
Say the past simple and the past participle of the irregular verbs. Flip the card and check.
Say the past simple and the past participle of the irregular verbs. Flip the card and check.
Say the past simple and the past participle of the irregular verbs. Flip the card and check.
Say the past simple and the past participle of the irregular verbs. Flip the card and check.
Say the past simple and the past participle of the irregular verbs. Flip the card and check.
Say the past simple and the past participle of the irregular verbs. Flip the card and check.
Say the past simple and the past participle of the irregular verbs. Flip the card and check.

For curious minds

You don't have to fingerspell every word. You can use signs instead.

Lesson 2A: Friends Will Be Friends

A Words, words, words

A1 Listen and repeat. Flip to check the meaning.

A2 Match and write.

A3 Match and fill in.

B Reading and listening

B1 Diego has taken an online quiz about friendship. Try it out, and check your result.

1 You have just heard someone gossiping about your best friend. You:
A Join in.
B Say nothing.
C Stand up for your friend.

2 Two of your friends have fallen out and stopped talking to each other. You:
A Don’t care as long as they both get on well with you.
B Ignore the problem.
C Talk to them both so they can make up.

3 A friend has shared a juicy secret with you. What do you do?
A Text everyone you know.
B Use it against them next time they refuse to do something for you.
C Keep it to yourself.

4 You have started going out with someone. How do you treat your best friend?
A I spend most of my time with my girlfriend or boyfriend and very little time with my friend.
B My friend? Who?
C Friends come first. They’re always there for you, especially if relationships don’t work out.

5 Your friend has won a competition. How do you feel?
A It’s time to celebrate!
B I can’t put up with it! For once, I want to be the centre of attention.
C I’m very proud of my friend and happy about their success!

6 Have you ever thought about your definition of friendship? Friendship is:
A Having someone you can have fun with.
B Hanging out with the popular kids.
C Having somebody you can confide in.

If your answers are mostly…

As: Has anyone told you that there is more to life than just having a good time, and that you should take it more seriously? You are surely fun to be around, but your friends need you to be more responsible, supportive and trustworthy. Have you thought about slowing down and working on your listening skills?

Bs: Have you heard of toxic friendship? Not all friendships are positive, and it seems that you are in a negative relationship. You can sometimes be a little self-centred: if you don’t want to hurt your friends, you need to start paying attention to their feelings and to what they are telling you.

Cs: Have you ever won a medal for being a true friend? You definitely deserve it! You value your friends, and you make them feel comfortable and safe when they are with you. You are supportive and always on their side no matter what decision they make. They can rely on you through the good times and the bad.

B2 Read the text again. Look at the phrasal verbs in colour in the text. Match them to their explanations below.

C Grammar time

C1 Find the verbs in the present perfect tense.

Present perfect simple


                She has  heard  a juicy gossips. (hear)
              They have  stopped  talking to each other. (stop)

  present simple             past participle  - regular verb + -ed
  of the verb to have                                        stop - stopped
     have / has                                                  - irregular verb
                                                                             hear - heard - heard

 Positive:          He  has  won  a competition.
Interrogative: Has  he  won  a competition?
Negative:        He  hasn't  won a competition.

Time expressions we use with the present perfect simple:

1 never, just, already - between the auxilliary verb and the main verb
   He has never won  a competition.

2 yet, since..., for..., many times, this week, today - at the end of a sentence
   He  hasn't  won  a competition yet.

3 ever - in questions, after the subject
   Has  he ever  won  a competition?


  • already/yet

       We use already  in positive  sentences, and yet  in negative  sentences.

       She has already  gone to school.
       She hasn't gone to school yet.

  • since.../for...

      Since shows when  the action started in the past. (a previous point in time)
      We have been friends since 1999.

      For shows how long the action has been going on. (a period of time)
      We have been friends for twenty years.

C2 Read the examples, and complete the rules for using the present perfect tense. Choose the correct word.

C3 Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple of the verbs in brackets.

C4 Hiro and Diego are talking about friendships. Complete their dialogue. Use the present perfect simple tense of the verbs in brackets.

Practice irregular verbs - part 1

Say the past simple and the past participle of the irregular verbs. Flip the card and check.

For curious minds

You don't have to fingerspell every word. You can use signs instead.