Lesson 3C: Happiness is...

A Words, words, words

A1 Study the words.

A2 Match.

A3 Find the correct answer.

B Listening

C Grammar


A gerund is a noun.
We make it from a verb by adding -ing.
spend » spend-ing     have » hav-ing  swim » swimm-ing

It can be the subject of the sentence:
Spending  time with family is great.

It can be used after:

  • love, like, hate, don't like, don't mind
       I love swimming.
  • good at, bad at, terrible at, bored with, interested in
      He is good at drawing.
C1 Fill in: IN, AT, WITH.
C2 Write the gerund form of the verbs.

Lesson 3C: Happiness is...

A Words, words, words

A1 Study the words.
A2 Match.
A3 Find the correct answer.

B Listening

B1 Listen and read the text.
B2 Choose the correct answer.

C Grammar


A gerund is a noun.
We make it from a verb by adding -ing.
spend » spend-ing     have » hav-ing  swim » swimm-ing

It can be the subject of the sentence:
Spending  time with family is great.

It can be used after:

  • love, like, hate, don't like, don't mind
       I love swimming.
  • good at, bad at, terrible at, bored with, interested in
      He is good at drawing.
C1 Fill in: IN, AT, WITH.
C2 Write the gerund form of the verbs.