Lesson 3: Pixy's New Coat
Let's start!
Meet Pixy’s friends.
Upoznaj Pixyjeve prijatelje.
a seal
a reindeer
a polar bear
a penguin
Where are they?
Gdje se nalaze?
the Arctic
Find the pairs of clothes and words.
Pronađi parove odjeće i riječi.
Let's learn!
Watch and listen to the story.
Pogledaj i poslušaj priču.
Let's play!
Choose the correct answer.
Odaberi točan odgovor.
Choose the correct picture for each sentence.
Odaberi točnu sliku za svaku rečenicu.
Put the pictures from the story in the correct order.
Poredaj slike iz priče točnim redoslijedom.
Match the sentences to the photos. What sentences would you say to a friend?
Spoji rečenice s fotografijama. Koje rečenice ćeš reći prijatelju?
What are you wearing when it’s hot or cold?
Što oblačiš kad je vruće ili hladno?
What is Pixy wearing? Draw some clothes.
Što je Pixy odjenuo? Nacrtaj mu odjeću.
Let's sing!
Sing the song “Have You Ever Seen a Penguin?“
Otpjevaj pjesmu “Have You Ever Seen a Penguin?“
For curious minds
Watch the video about the Emperor Penguin and Antarctica.
Pogledaj video o carskom pingvinu i Antarktici.
Find out more about the Emperor Penguin on National Geographic Kids
Saznaj više o carskom pingvinu na poveznici iznad.