
A Singular and plural

Regular plural

-s or -es?

Always one form

A1 Irregular plural

A2 Stop and think!

A3 Mixed plurals

A4 Plural and singular

B Countable and uncountable nouns

Countable nouns                               Uncountable nouns
(can be counted)                                  (cannot be counted)

   5 apples                                                  milk
   3 eggs                                                     meat
   6 cities                                                    salt
   2 chairs                                                   butter

singular and plural                                  one form only
(an egg - 3 eggs)                                      (salt - Ø )

HOW MANY?                                           HOW MUCH?
How many
eggs do you need?            How much salt do you need?

Countable or uncountable? Flip the cards, and check!

Stop and think!


We use containers to express quantity of uncountable nouns.

B1 Countable nouns

B2 Countable vs uncountable nouns

B3 Containers

B4 How much / How many

C Possessive ’s

C1 Possessive ’s