Present Tenses


He is doing athletics.
He isn’t doing judo.
he doing yoga? - Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.


  • When a verb ends in -e, we leave out the -e when we add -ing.
    move + -ing » moving   

  • When a one-syllable verb ends in a single vowel and a consonant, we double the consonant.
    swim + -ing» swimming     sit + -ing » sitting      stop+ -ing » stopping

  • When a verb ends in -ie, it turns into -y in front of the ending -ing.
    lie + -ing »  lying

When do we use present continuous?

The present continuous is used when we talk about:

actions in progress now, or around now
- for arranged actions in the future.

Let’s practise!

A1 Spelling mistakes. Sort the ‘-ing’ forms, and correct the mistakes.

A2 Positive sentence

A3 Questions and negative sentences

A4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs.