Present Tenses


Harper and Leo go to school by bus. 
They don’t go to school by bike. 
Do Harper and Leo go to school by bus? 

Their mum goes to work by car; she never walks
She doesn’t go to work by train. She doesn’t walk to work.
Does she go to work by car? 

3rd person singular  -s or -es?

What about 'Wh'-questions?

When do we use present simple?

The present simple is used: 

- when we talk about habits and routines that happen regularly
- when we talk about something that is always true 
- when we say what we think, like or feel in the present.

A Let’s practise!

A1 -s or -es (3rd person singular)

A2 Positive sentence

A3 Negative sentence

A4 Yes/No questions

A5 'Wh'-questions

B Stop and think!

Study these examples and do the exercises.

B1 Match.

B2 Make these sentences negative.

B3 Make questions.