Lesson 5: In English, please!
A Words, words, words
official language
službeni jezik
mother tongue
materinji jezik
foreign language
strani jezik
native speakers
izvorni govornici
Lesson 5: In English, please!
official language
službeni jezik
foreign language
strani jezik
mother tongue
materinji jezik
native speakers
izvorni govornik
There was a time when English was spoken only by English people living in England.
But then England got very powerful, and for several centuries it ruled many countries on other continents.
It also traded with many countries in the world.
That's how the English language arrived in all corners of the globe.
Today it is still an official language in many countries.
In some countries in Africa, there are a lot of different languages, so people use English as an official language to be able to understand each other.
Today, English is spoken in literally every country in the world.
From science and politics to business and travel – English is everywhere.
Nowadays around a quarter of the world's population can communicate and understand each other in English.
So, if you want to be able to talk to and understand people everywhere, don't skip your English lessons and do your homework.
English is the most popular language on the Internet.
It is also the favourite language of the film industry.
Every day, in almost every corner of the world, people listen to songs in English on the radio.
Then there are newspapers and magazines, blogs and podcasts – if you want your voice to be heard, say it in English!
Still, the English language does not have the biggest number of native speakers: this is where Chinese comes first.
But English is the first language that most people in the world speak besides their mother tongue.
official language
službeni jezik
mother tongue
materinji jezik
foreign language
strani jezik
native speakers
izvorni govornici